一、 应用场所:
Extensive apply for the field which requires DC power system covering from different substation, power stationmina, petrifaction, telecom, railroad and etc .Offering DC power for high-voltage circuitbreaker, DC motor and secondary circuit.
二、 产品性能特点
3、具有PFC(功率因数自动补偿)功能 。装置的综合功率因数(相移功率因数与失真功率因数之积)大于0.9,实测数据为0.98。
1, To make sure of stable operating with advanced design and high reliability power module.
2, Possess intelligent battery management system and volumetric analysis function.
3, Possessing PFC ( power factor function auto-compensation ) function.
Equipment’s comprehensive power factor which is the result of timing of phaseshift power fact and distortion power fact is more than 0.9. And the actual data is 0.98.
4, Having recall function for giving alarm information to record past stoppage time and recovery time.
5, Apart from trouble signal passive junction ,it has perfect communication function with RS232、RS422 and RS485 connector. It also possesses the function of controlling, remote signaling, tele-regulation and tele-metering, and can satisfy unattended substation operating need .
6, Major components adopt modular construction ,DC power system maintenance easy and convenient .