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  • 即日起,新的篇章正式开启,艾默生网络能源全球已成为Vertiv。Vertiv是一家独立的公司,它致力于交付关键的基础设施,助力您实现关键技术永远在线的美好世界。


     It’s official. As of today, Emerson Network Power is now Vertiv, a standalone organization committed to delivering the critical infrastructure to help you achieve a world where critical technologies always work.


      For local regulation reasons, Emerson Network Power China will officially complete name handover around July 2017. Our cooperation and commitment continues to be effective under Emerson brand before July 2017 and will carry over to Vertiv brand afterward. The announcement published today will not in any way affect our cooperation and relationship. We have a strong passion into the construction of the new brand, and have the confidence to provide you with better customer experience.


     In the past several months we’ve communicated the developments that led to this historic announcement, most notably the sale by Emerson of the Network Power business to Platinum Equity and our plan to relaunch as Vertiv.


      Now, after months of preparation, the day is finally here and I couldn’t be more excited. As we embark on this new venture, I assure you:


    1.We’ll continue to provide the quality and service you’ve come to expect working with thousands of our high quality employees. This transition includes the entire Network Power organization, including our manufacturing facilities, sales offices and service operation. Although we are a new company, we are building on a strong foundation of industry-leading brands - ASCO®, Chloride®, Liebert®, NetSure™, and Trellis™ - and proven solutions, a global footprint, financial stability, a strong management team, and thousands of dedicated employees.

      我们将一如既往为您交付满足您需求的高品质的产品和服务,公司数千名高素质的员工将继续高质量地服务于您的业务运营。此次公司的过渡将涵盖整个网络能源组织,包括我们的工厂、办事处和服务机构等。尽管我们即将作为一家新公司开启新的征程,但是我们已有坚实的基础和深厚的底蕴,传承着一系列业绩领先的旗舰产品品牌 —— ASCO®、Chloride®、 Liebert®、 NetSure™ 和 Trellis™ —— 及经过实践检验的解决方案,并且我们拥有遍及全球的业务覆盖、稳健的财务实力、强大的管理管队和几千名恪尽职守的员工。

      2.As a standalone company, we will move faster and intensify our focus on the needs of our customers. As Vertiv, we are positioned to serve you more efficiently and effectively.

     作为一家独立的公司,我们的行动会更为迅捷,也会进一步加强对客户需求的聚焦。作为Vertiv, 我们将有能力提供更高效的响应及更有效的服务。

      3.We remain committed to driving technology innovation that meets your changing needs, backed by our expertise and experience in the industries we serve. Our deep understanding of data centers, communication networks and commercial and industrial facilities is what truly sets Vertiv apart.


      On behalf of Emerson Network Power team which will soon become Vertiv, thank you for your business and your continued confidence in our capabilities.  You’ll be hearing more from your Vertiv representative in the weeks and months ahead. 

