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  • 数字信号处理是将信号以数字方式表示并处理的理论和技术。具有灵活、精确、抗干扰、尺寸小、造价低、速度快等优点。

      Digital Signal Processing (4)


      快速傅里叶变换算法的另一个重要含意是和它离散时域概念联系着的。它可以直接计算离散时间信号或序列的傅里叶变换,并且包含有一整套在离散时间域中精确成立的特性和数字关系,它已经不单纯是连续时域傅里叶变换的近似了。其重要作用是促使人们利用离散时域数学重新建立许多信号处理概念和算法,于是这些技术在离散时域中形成了一套严格的关系式。从而使人们摆脱了那种认为用数字计算机处理信号仅是模拟信号处理技术之近似的观点。由于这种观点上的改变,人们对于新兴的数字信号处理学科出现了强烈的兴趣。 (未完待续)

      The evolution of a new point of view toward digital signal processing was further accelerated by the disclosure in 1965 of an efficient algorithm for computation of Fourier transforms.This class of algorithms has come to be known as the fast Fourier transform or FFT.The implications of the FFT were significant from a number of points of view.Many signal processing algorithms which had been developed on digital computers required processing times several orders of magnitude greater than real-time.Often this was tied to the facts that spectrum analysis was an important component of the signal processing and that no efficient means had been known for implementing it.The fast Fourier transform algorithm reduced the computation time of the Fourier transform by orders of magnitued.This permitted the implementation of increasingly sophisticated signal processing algorithms with processing times that allowed interaction with the system.Furthermore,with the realization that the fast Fourier transform algorithm might,in fact,be implementable in special purpose digital hardware,many signal processing algorithms which previously had appeared to be impractical began to appear to have practical implementations with special purpose digital hardware.

      Another important implication of the fast Fourier transform algorithm was tied to the fact that it was an inherently discrete-time concept.It was directed toward the computation of the Fourier transform of a discretetime signal or sequence and involved a set of properities and mathematics that were exact in the discrete-time domain it was not simply an approximation to a continuous-time Fourier transform.The importance of this was that it had the effect of stimulating a reformulation of many signal processing concepts and algorithms in terms of discrete-time mathematics and these techniques then formed an exact set of relationships in the discrete-time domain.This represented a shift away from the notion that signal processing on a digital computer was merely an approximation to analog signal processing techniques.With this shift in point of view there emerged a strong interest in the new or reborn field of digital signal processing.(游米儿)
