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  • 数字信号处理是将信号以数字方式表示并处理的理论和技术。具有灵活、精确、抗干扰、尺寸小、造价低、速度快等优点。

      Digital Signal Processing (5)



      The techniques and applications of digital signal processing are expanding at a tremendous rate. With the advent of large scale integration and the resulting reduction in cost and size of digital components, together with increasing speed, the class of applications of digital signal processing techniques is growing. Special purpose digital filters can now be implemented at sampling rates in the megahertz range. Special purpose processors for implementing the fast Fourier transform at high data rates are commercially available. Simple digital filters have been integrated on circuit chips. Almost all current discussions of speech bandwidth compression systems are directed toward all digital implementation because these are now the most practical. Digital processors also form an integral part of many modern radar and sonar systems. In addition to the development of special purpose digital signal processing hardware, there are available special programmable digital signal processing computers whose architecture is matched to signal processing problems. Such computers are finding application in real-time signal processing as well as for real-time simulations directed toward the development of special purpose digital hardware.

      The importance of digital processing appears to be increasing with no visible sign of saturation. Indeed, the future development of the field is likely to be even more dramatic than the course of development that we have just described. The impact of digital signal processing techniques will undoubtedly promote revolutionary advances in some fields of application. A notable example is in the area of telephony, where digital techniques promise dramatically increased economy and flexibility in implementing switching and transmission systems.(游米儿)
