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  • Digital Signal Processing (1)   数字信号处理是将信号以数字方式表示并处理的理论和技术。其目的是对连续模拟信号进行测量式滤波,具有灵活、精确、抗干扰性能、尺寸小、造价低、速度快等优点。
  •   数字信号处理是起源于17和18世纪数学的一个学科,今天它在各个科学和技术领域中,已经成为一种重要的现代化工具。数字信号处理这个领域采用的种种技术和应用已有悠久的历史,就象牛顿和高斯那样古老;同时数字信号处理又象数字计算机和集成电路那样新颖。


      总的来说信号处理有着悠久的历史,在各个不同的领域,如生物医学工程、声学、声纳、雷达、地震学、语言能信、数字通信、核子科学以及许多其他领域,其重要性是十分明显的。在许多应用场合下,例如脑电图和心电图分析,或语言传输和语音识别系统中,我们可能希望提取某些特征参数。另外,我们可能希望剔除混在信号中的干扰(例如噪声),或者是把信号变换成专业人员更容易解释的形式。又例如信号在通信信道上传输时,要受到多种方式的干扰,其中包括信道失真、衰落和混入背景噪声。接收机的任务之一就是要补偿掉这些干扰。在上述每情况下,都要求对信号进行处理。 (未完待续)

      Digital signal processing, a field which has its roots in 17th and 18th century mathematics, has become an important modern tool in a multitude of diverse fields of science and technology. The techniques and applications of this field are as old as Newton and Gauss and as new as digital computers and integrated circuits.

      Digital signal processing is concerned with the representation of signals by sequences of numbers or symbols and the processing of these sequences. The purpose of such processing may be to estimate characteristic parameters of a signal or to transform a signal into a form which is in some sense more desirable. The classical numerical analysis formulas, such as those designed for interpolation, integration, and differentiation, are certainly digital signal processing algorithms. On the other hand, the availability of high speed digital computers has fostered the development of increasingly complex and sophisticated signal processing algorithms, and recent advan0ces in integrated circuit technology promise economical implementations of very complex digital signal processing systems.

      Signal processing, in general, has a rich history, and its importance is evident in such diverse fields as biomedical engineering, acoustics, sonar, radar, seismology, speech communication, data communication, nuclear science, and many others. In many applications, as for example, in EEG and ECG analysis or in systems for speech transmission and speech recognition, we may wish to extract some characteristic parameters. Alternatively, we may wish to remove interference, such as noise, from the signal or to modify the signal to present it in a form which is more easily interpreted by an expert. As another example, a signal transmitted over a communications channel is generally perturbed in a variety of ways, including channel distortion, fading, and the insertion of background noise. One of the objectives at the receiver is to compensate for these disturbances. In each case, processing of the signal is required.(游米儿)
